5th grade reactions

My 3 things that I learned this year is
1.A lot of things to do on my blog in Language A. and computer lab
2. to do more things with lechtronics
3. to be great with whatever you do and try your best in every class

My 3 things I truggled with this year
1. that people can be mean but that’s just how it is
2. computer lab assignments
3. the first time I did morning Announcements

My 3 things that surprised me this year
1. Some things were extremly easy this year so I was surprised
2. That sometimes there was up and downs this year and I owuld think that there wouldn’t be any
3. That the teachers are really nice this year and I thought that they were mean

My 3 things that disappointed me this year
1. that the STARR test was harder that I thought
2. That people can be mean
3. Deffenitly my friends disappointed me.

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